I am a researcher with ROC team of CEDRIC Lab at CNAM.

My research activities deal with:

Industrial Internet of Things, Security and Trust, Artificial Intelligence

  • Cybersecurity in Cyber Physical Systems
  • Security of Embedded Systems
  • Self-sovereign identity management system and IoT
  • Differential privacy in quantum computing
  • Trust management in 5G bubbles
  • Predictive maintenance using ML
  • Resource allocation and placement in virtualized systems
  • Security of VANETs and NDN.

Publications see here.

PhD students currently co-supervised: 

  • Billal MOKHTARI (Cnam – ROC/ISID/LAETITIA, PhD topic: Cyber-physical security design and integration for interoperability, traceability and environmental impacts reduction in battery cell manufacturing enhanced by digital twins. Funded by BATTWin european project.
  • Ramzi REZKI (Cnam-ROC/MSDMA), PhD topic: Using GNN techniques for attack detection in CPS. Funded by ANR Gnadis Project.
  • Hussein KAZEM (Cnam/ISEP/Sopra Steria), PhD topic: A Generic Approach for Pentesting Blockchain Applications
  • Bastien BUIL (Cnam-ROC, Orange-Caen), PhD topic: Surveillance sur puce et modèles de sécurité pour des systèmes embarqués multi-parties
  • Flavien DERMIGNY (Cnam-ROC/Thalès), PhD topic: La gestion de la confiance dans les Bulles 5G à l’aide de mécanismes de preuves à divulgation nulle
  • Billel HAKEM (Cnam/ECE/KNDS), PhD topic: Analyse en temps réel intégrée pour la maintenance prédictive à l’aide d’approches d’apprentissage en profondeur
  • Abdelhak HIDOURI (Cnam-ROC, cotutelle with University of Manouba Tunis), PhD topic: Approche intelligente pour améliorer la sécurité de l’architecture Named Data Networking
  • Rezak AZIZ (Cnam/ROC), PhD topic: Exploring the Differential Private Federated Learning in the context of quantum computing
  • Imène EL TAANI (USTHB, Algiers), PhD topic: Resource allocation and placement in virtualized systems
  • Tayssir ISMAIL (Cnam-Inria-Univ. Manouba), cotutelle with ENSI – the university of Manouba- Tunis. PhD topic: Conception et développement de protocoles de communication Cross Layer intelligents et sécurisés pour les réseaux VANETs
  • Lydia OUAILI (Cnam- Trasna Solutions company), PhD topic: Self-Sovereign Identity Management System for Industrial IoT by using ML


  • Yacine ANSER (Cnam/Orange), PhD topic: Security services management centered on trust for 5G. PhD defense on March 2024.
  • Yulliwas AMEUR (Cnam – ROC/MSDMA, PhD topic: Exploring the Scope of Machine Learning using Homomorphic encryption under missing data in IoT/Cloud). PhD defense on Dec. 2023.
  • Mamoudou SANGARE (Cnam/Inria), PhD topic: Exploring Prediction Strategies in Vehicular Networks through Machine Learning and Hybrid Intelligence. PhD defense on July 2022.
  • Mohammed NAFI (Univ. Béjaia, PhD topic: Key management in IoT networks) – PhD defense on December 2021.
  • Nabila DJENNANE (univ. Tizi-Ouzou, PhD topic: Intelligent Resource allocation in Data Centers)- PhD defense on December 2021.
  • Sarra MEHAMEL (PhD topic: New intelligent caching and mobility strategies for MEC/ICN based architectures)  – PhD defense on october 2020.
  • Amar ABANE (PhD topic: A realistic named data networking architecture for the Internet of things)  – PhD defense on Dec. 2019
  • Youcef OULD-YAHIA (PhD topic: Proposition d’un modèle de sécurité pour la protection de données personnelles dans les systèmes basés sur l’internet des objets) – PhD defense June 2019
  • Thinh LE VINH (PhD topic: Security and Trust in Mobile Cloud Computing) – PhD defense Dec. 2017.
  • Fatiha HOUACINE (PhD topic: Service Oriented Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing Services) – PhD defense November 2016.
  • Julien CORDRY (PhD topic: La mesure de performance dans les cartes à puce) – PhD defense November 2009.